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Two Wrexham Coffee Shops Achieve National Recognition!

Two Wrexham Coffee Shops featured in the first all Wales edition of the Indy Coffee Guide! The Indy Coffee Guide showcases the best specialty coffee shops and roasteries from all over Wales.

The publishers of the guide, Salt Media, are assisted by a group of leading coffee experts across the country to seek out the best places to service your caffeine needs and all of the hidden gems.

Bank Street Social and Tabernacl, both in the city centre, are in the guide representing Wrexham.

Bank Street Social, run by brothers Andy and Phil Gallanders has previously featured in previous interactions of the guide whilst Tabernacl, situated in the former Burtons building are making their first appearance in the guide.

Speaking on behalf of Bank Street Social, Phil Gallanders said,

“It’s an honour to be included again in the Indy Coffee Guide and it’s incredible that the publishers have decided to do an all Wales guide. It’s no secret that Wrexham has well and truly been put on the map with everything that is happening at the football club and from being in past guides we know that people will visit the shop purely because it is in the guide. It’s nice to think that we are doing our bit to promote Wrexham to the ever growing specialty coffee community. It’s also a pleasure to have the company of Tabernacl who only opened their doors just over a year ago! The growing number of really good coffee shops in Wrexham is really exciting”

There is also a highly recommended mention for Wrexham Bean Company in the “Other good Roastaries section” of the guide which was launched at Hardlines Coffee in Cardiff on Friday 13th October. Both Bank Street Social and Tabernacl are hoping to team up in order to celebrate the inclusion in the guide with a Wrexham launch event early in November so keep an eye on both their social media feeds for news of that event.

The guide is available to purchase from Bank Street Social, Tabernacl and Wrexham Visitor Information Centre.

Where to find the coffee shops:-

Bank Street Social, 5 Bank Street, Wrexham, LL11 1AH @bankstsocial on instagram

Tabernacl, Hope Street Church 1-2 Hope Street, Wrexham, LL11 1BG @tabernaclwxm on instagram

2 commentaires

Tomas Virgin
Tomas Virgin
15 déc. 2023

The Indy Coffee Guide showcases the best specialty coffee shops and roasters from across Wales.. This is a book about the struggle and art of cooking, really really inspiring, well worth a read. Such things can only be written with support It helps me in my studies as well


14 nov. 2023

A cool thematic place, I've been dreaming of going here for a long time. It is somewhat similar to the picture. Discounts should be made for better sale of cafes. The picturesque scenery will attract people from afar, because everyone, from small to large, wants to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of coffee.

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